06 68 97 05 50 afgb44@outlook.com

About Us




The association was created in November 1949 by Mr Guibal at the end of the second World War. It’s one the the oldest international and cultural associations that exists in Nantes. These are the same associations that have bit by bit made the city into a real international hub for the excchange of business and ideas.


With a permanent address for more than 60 years, we’ve been able to gather English speakers together for various activities as well as putting at their disposition numerous documents and books.


The France Great Britain Association is governed by the French law dated 1st July, 1901 regarding associations. It is a non-profit-making venture and its aim is to develop international, cultural and economic relations between the Nantes area and Great Britain and to open-mindedly examine all matters having a bearing on this. No discussions on politics or religion are allowed.


The Committee consists of our President, who is British, and 6 members, both British and French.


Our varied activities are organised by the Committee, with the help and suggestions of the other members of the Association.



Our partners




All the F/GB associations in France work closely together and exchange information.